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The Art of Letting Go

So there is a Universal law that governs way more than we can possibly fathom - the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction basically means that like attracts like - and what we think creates our reality. Our thoughts dictate our vibration and that vibration resonates out into the universe and attracts more of the same. It works in a positive and negative sense - everything that we think is what we create and perpetuate in our life. Reality is truly bendable and we are the rulers of it - whether we realize that or not. This law is constantly playing out, and people think that what happens to them is beyond their control. But by believing you have no control, you perpetuate that belief system. Instead of letting life happen to you, you can make it happen for you. You can learn to move out of an unconscious state into being a conscious creator.

But even as an “experienced creator” there are still challenges in understanding and applying this law. We can have the impression that we put in orders to the universe, like buying something online, and it will be delivered to us and received within the next 5 business days. But that idea can lead to frustration, especially when we think our blessings aren’t manifesting fast enough. Or we see it work seamlessly and effortlessly for others, but not for us.

There are many different techniques for manifestation. Some like to write down what they desire, say affirmations, think about it before they go to sleep, and actively ask for what it is they desire. These are very effective tools, and certainly get the message out to the universe that this is what you want. But the most challenging aspect of the Law of Attraction is not the asking - but what happens in between the asking and receiving. Maintaining that vibration of attracting what it is that you want, while also releasing and letting go of your perceived limitations, and making space for what you wanted to arrive.

This process is out of our control. Once we set a course towards a desired outcome, the whole Universe works in our favor to bring us to that outcome, whether we realize it or not. But the course that the Universe takes may not appear smooth or linear to us as humans, because we also have to be in the process of constantly releasing what doesn’t align with our vision. In order to get the job we want, we have to let go of the one we didn’t. In order to vibrate higher, we have to release the life and attachments to the lower vibration we were living in. That can be a scary process. Things may start falling out of your life that you never expected to. People you were once close with no longer resonate, and you find yourself disinterested in things you used to rely on before. The Universe is moving you toward your goal - by helping you release what no longer serves you. And in the process of letting go - you make space for what’s to come.

Here are a few things to remember when you are in the process of letting go:

  1. You are always safe and taken care of.

Everything that is happening to you is happening for a reason. Whether it be growth, a painful lesson, or repeated experiences, it’s bringing you to the point of “breaking”. Breaking your current reality open and choosing to no longer resonate with it, and seeking something higher and deeper.

  1. Everything you are experiencing is meant for you at this moment

Everything happens in Divine timing. The intelligence of the Universe is always working in our favor and our highest path, if we set that intention. You may not know why it took so long for something to come to you, but when you look back from the other side you can see how all the various pieces came together in such a way to get you where you are now. Sometimes the soup needs to simmer a bit longer to get the extra flavor we need. We can learn to trust, release control, and allow everything to play out as it will.

  1. Everything you think you are “losing” is just making space for something way better

In order to grow, we have to pass through challenges. That’s just life. In order to make space for new, exciting things, we have to release the old and what no longer serves us. Whether that be in the form of limiting beliefs, limiting people in your life, a mindset, or a state that is just causing you too much pain and doesn’t work for you anymore. If you feel like everything in your life is dissolving and you’re free-falling through chaos, that means your manifestation is getting closer. There needs to be space in your life to receive your next chapter, and there has to be death and rebirth to be able to emerge as a new being who embodies that chapter.

  1. Allow yourself to cry, to release, to feel your lack and limiting beliefs.

People who think that ignoring or suppressing negativity is going to help you in life are dead wrong. Even if you ignore it, it still lives in your body and energy field and will keep subconsciously attracting situations and people that reflect it back to you. The only true way to release yourself from your limiting beliefs and pain is to identify and feel where they come from, what trauma they’re attached to, and transmute them with love. This comes with connecting to the various parts of you, which is a deep healing process that will benefit you in all aspects of your life, as outlined by the Soulful Heart ( )

  1. Forget what you asked for and release control

This last point was offered to me in a moment of channeling my spirit guides. They said to get to that point of allowing what you wanted to come in, you have to be so in flow and appreciative of where you are that you forget what you even asked for. When we completely release control and expectation of an outcome, that’s when it has the freedom to land and come in. When we’re constantly focused on what we want, counting the days and minutes till it comes, there’s no way to allow it to manifest. When we keep focusing on the lack of it, on the waiting for it, on the not having of it, it perpetuates more of that mindset - because like attracts like. When we focus on what we don’t have right now, we simply cannot create a reality where we do have it. I’m sure you’ve seen that play out in your life, that the moment you’re distracted or not thinking about something, it appears.

To practice the art of Letting Go, allow yourself to surrender to the present moment with complete abandon. Feel everything you have to feel, but remember that those feelings do not define you. You define yourself. You choose your reality. And even in the darkest of nights, you can dream of the brightness of the day to come.

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