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Custom Light Language HealingTransmission

Custom Light Language HealingTransmission


Customized light language healing specifically tailored for you and your intentions


  • Manifest abundance
  • Clear and balance chakras and energy system
  • Release karmic binds, entities, curses and upgrade DNA
  • Clear and heal diseases, physical ailments and emotional imbalances


Light language works extremely powerfully and deeply to reprogram your subconscious mind, recode your DNA, and work through your karma and Akashic records. Request a customized healing transmission for you to listen to with any specific intention, plus whatever comes through from your higher self and highest good, and receive an mp3 and video recording to listen to every day for at least 30 days to fully reprogram the mind/body/spirit. Manifest any specific intentions plus whatever else that arises for your greatest healing and highest good.


Average transmissions are around 30-60 minutes long and designed to be listened to at night before going to sleep, in the morning while waking up, or while napping or meditating for the greatest benefit. 

  • Terms and Conditions

    The custom transmission will be delivered to your email and available in mp3 and video format along with any specific visual light language codes or other information that comes through. 

    This is not meant to substitute professional medical care or mental health care. Any purchasers of this product release liability for any medical, emotional, or energetic effects of this product. This energy is purely loving and can only help, but in some cases, there may be some physical reactions or ascension symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, headaches, loss of appetite, dizziness, or other physical symptoms. This is totally normal and will pass quickly, and simply an effect of the healing embedding on a physical and cellular level and purging any densities. No refunds after the product is delivered. 

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